1OB-GYN Clearblue One-Month Digital Ovulation Test - 10 ct

1OB-GYN Clearblue One-Month Digital Ovulation Test - 10 ct

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1OB-GYN Clearblue One-Month Digital Ovulation Test - 10 ct

1OB-GYN Clearblue One-Month Digital Ovulation Test - 10 ct



Trying for a baby?. This simple at home ovulation kit is proven to help you , by accurately pinpointing your 2 best days to get pregnant each cycle. The ovulation stick shows a clear smiley face on the digital display when your LH surge has been detected, so you know that today and tomorrow are your best 2 days when you’re trying for a baby. Ovulation predictor kits detect the rise in luteinizing hormone (LH test) - a key fertility hormone that rises prior to ovulation - to accurately detect the days before, and not after ovulation.

  • Pinpoints your 2 most fertile days, to maximize your chances of getting pregnant
  • Over 99% accurate at detecting the luteinizing hormone (LH) surge. Hormones are a more accurate predictor of ovulation than basal body temperature (BBT), which only rises after ovulation
  • Easy to read: the only brand giving a unique digital ‘smiley face’ when it detects the LH surge in your urine, prior to ovulation
  • Once your LH surge is detected the following 48 hours are the best time to maximize your chances of getting pregnant
  • 1 Digital Holder and 10 Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test Sticks included
Number of pieces
Special features
99 Accurate
Test type
Specific uses for product
Ovulation Test
Unit count
10.0 count
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